Tabletop History is a digital gamification platform dedicated to the teaching of History intertwined with the study and writing of narratives in the Portuguese language. This platform simulates a 3D digital tabletop environment and invites players to solve a mystery by collecting clues: each mystery is unique and students are tasked with the creation of their own scenarios, exploring themes connected to their classroom teachings and sharing them with their classmates.
The platform was developed as the final paper of the post-graduation course “Metodologias Ativas para uma Educação Inovadora” (“active learning methodologies for an innovative education”, translated to English), by Instituto Singularidades. It was conceptualized through the association of pedagogy with game design and is structured on the theoretical bases of active learning, especially gamification and storytelling, relying on concepts such as personalized learning, use of technology inside the classroom, meaningful learning, progression and level design, immersion and state of Flow and conflict, cooperation and competition.
The result of this work points towards the growing potential of games and gamification in active learning and the power of associating distinct areas of knowledge for a common goal.